• Where is the Preschool located?

The BRRSD Preschool is currently located at the George H. Mitchell Elementary School 500 South Street Bridgewater, MA 02324.

  • Is there a before and after school program?

Bridgewater Before and After School Extension Program (BASE) is available for students in preschool.  The mission of the BASE Program is to provide quality care for students before and after school while keeping the lines of communication open between the program and home. As a professional staff, we care very much about your children and are here to provide a support system in a safe and happy environment. When the number of registrations in the Preschool BASE Program exceeds the number of seats available, a lottery is conducted to determine placement into the program.  \ For more information and to view the BASE Registration and Info Packet visit the District's website-www.bridge-rayn.org Cli​ck Here!

  • Is there a cost for Preschool?

There is no fee for students who receive special education services. For typically developing peer students who attend the preschool program, there is a tuition fee. Tuition rates are based on the number of days your child attends the program. There are two installment payments during the school year. The first payment is due in August, which pays for the months of September through January. The second payment is due in January, which pays for the months of February through June. There are no vouchers offered or accepted for tuition payments.

  • Is transportation provided?

There is no transportation available to typically developing peer students. The preschool has parent drop-off and pick-up procedures.

  • When are the screenings for Preschool?

Preschool screenings take place during the months of January, June, and August. The specific dates will be posted both on the district page and the BRRSD Preschool websites

  • How many days can my child attend Preschool?

The BRRSD Preschool currently offers half-day (2.5 hours) 2-day, 3-day, or 4-day program options.