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Origin of Mitchell Monsters

Mr. Mitchell was a beloved teacher in Bridgewater and the Bridgewater-Raynham Schools. He taught readiness, third grade and fifth grade.

**One of Mr. Mitchell’s favorite books to read to his class was Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. He related to the main character in the book, Max, often as being an independent thinker, imaginative and not afraid to express his feelings. The monsters in the book were the range of feelings that exist within your own mind and represent a challenge on how to overcome these feelings. **

**Mr. Mitchell taught his students to be leaders not followers! Instead of referring to his students in his class as his “students” he referred to them as his “monsters”. Calling his students “Mitchell Monsters” was a term of endearment for Mr. Mitchell and each and every one of his students knew that! **

As a teacher, Mr. Mitchell knew what each of his “monsters” needed to be successful and he always provided them with the tools to help them reach their full potential. Whether it was to help them to be a better person, student, or friend, or to provide them food, clothing or a new pair of glasses, Mr. Mitchell was always there to help! They were proud to be a Mitchell Monster. He always said, “Once a Monster, always a Monster.”